
British Columnist: Rob Davis

Rob Davis

Hello all, my name is Rob Davis and I will be blogging about life in England for Mind The Gap. Who am I, I hear you scream. Well I am a recent graduate from The Guildford School of Acting and hold a BA Honours Degree in Professional Production Skills. That is right, I am not an actor, so you cannot use the “I read his blogs before he was famous” as this is not going to happen. I was born and raised in Oxford, England and like most English people have an immense pride over my hometown. I can say how rubbish it is until the cows come home but if you say its bad I will be forced to argue with you. I moved to Guildford for drama school and now live in a lovely village called Bury in West Sussex with my girlfriend Sophia.

I first met Shaaz back in year 8 when he came to England for awhile. He was a big, loud character and I felt the full force of him when during a game of football, he came crashing down knee first into my jaw.  To make up for this unfortunate event, he bought me some chocolates to say sorry. I just had to melt them so I could eat them.When Shaaz first asked me to blog for Mind the Gap, I was just a little bit apprehensive. After giving it some thought, I looked around and saw a lot of issues that I felt needed raising or just wanted to rant about it. I do hope you all enjoy reading my rants and raves and I will talk to you all again real soon!