Social Media

How to Upload your Friends to the Cloud

Shaaz Nasir

Shaaz offers some tips on how to leverage cloud computing and social media tools to maintain your relationships around the world. 

Goku on the flying nimbus cloud

Goku was already flying on the cloud in the ’80s.

Leave No One Behind

In the search for adventure, or embarking on the latest chapter to your career, young professionals are moving away from home. Although having a fresh start is exhilarating, one of the biggest wallops of moving away is leaving your friends behind. In the past, it was nearly impossible to maintain your old friendships while relocating to a new world. But, thanks to technology and the rise of social media, Generation Y is the most connected generation in history. Here are some easy tips on how to upload your friendships to cloud and to maintain those valuable relationships in your life.

1. Doodle Meet Me

Time management is everything in relationship maintenance. You will never have enough time to foster new friends while nurturing those old and precious  bounds. But you can better manage those free minutes you may have with Doodle Meet me, your personal scheduling profile. Show your friends when you’re busy and available; let them see your calendar and submit meeting requests to interact on your busy schedule!


2. World Clock Meeting Planner

Considering how global Generation Y has become, chances are you have friends in over seven time zones. This can be a huge hassle in figuring out when to google hangout with your friends in Mexico, while trying to see when it’s best to chat with the Aussies. Don’t worry, just use World Clock Meeting Planner to sort out what times zones overlap. Make sure you send the link to your friends before they book off time in the Doodle Meet Me scheduler.

world clock logo

3. Google Hangout

Once you have everyones schedule sorted out, use Google Hangout to video call up to 8 people at the same time. It’s not realistic to expect yourself to video call all your friends individually, no one has time for that. Based on your Doodle Meet Me schedule, aggregate the ones that overlap and hang with em’.

google hangout logo

You have invested years in these friends, and you are not about to let anyone go due to some conflicting crisis in timezones. Just remember that communication is a two way street, which requires both friends to be understanding and flexible. Go forth and leverage these tech tools to keep your dear friends close.