Continuing our long relationship with Bastet Noir, Mindthis Magazine’s fashion section continues to highlight empowered women and their stories that have changed the fashion world. Enjoy the complete series at Bastet Noir.
Has it every happened to you, finding yourself in the presence of someone whose cool energy wins you over almost instantly? There’s something about this person’s charming vibe which lures you every time you see how they carry themselves, making everything about them look refined and classy with what seems like a zero effort. Regardless of what they wear, their graceful movement even when captured on a photo is simply magnetic. When one spots such person, one finds themselves wondering what is it about them that’s so damn attractive, what is that thing that makes you wonder “who’s that girl?”. If you dig a little deeper, you’ll find the answer to this question hidden not in the clothes they are wearing but rather their projection of confidence to the world. Believing in themselves somehow deems them worthy of such magnetic power.

It’s not always easy though finding and unleashing that confidence within yourself. It’s a struggle every one of us battles with at least once in their lifetime, but one which can be quite transformational if you give it the time of the day. For the Las Vegas based, content creator Thaina Blot addressing this struggle has allowed her to evolve from a girl seeking validation into a radiant confident woman who’s on her way to dominate Instagram with her amazing visual content. Don’t believe us? See this Refinery29 piece where she is referred to as Instagram’s most stylish people. So for the latest edition of Cool Faces of Bastet Noir, she unleashes her black girl magic by getting candid about overcoming this challenge, her morning routine and self care practices that keep her motivated and make her strive for greatness.
BASTET NOIR: Who is Thaina Blot?

I am a student of life, currently studying how inconveniences lead to my growth and endless possibilities. I am a wife, sister, and daughter. My family means the world to me. I am a creative, searching for how to use what I know to serve others.
BASTET NOIR: What’s your morning routine like?
I wake up sometime between 6 and 6:40 AM and thank God for allowing me to see another day. I stay in bed for a while to either pray with my husband, read a devotional and/or listen to a podcast. Sometimes, I journal some thoughts. I check my emails and get on Instagram to post and/or watch a few stories before calling my mom.
BASTET NOIR: Best part about your job…
The best part of being a blogger and content creator is the people. I love that social media has given us the opportunity to connect with individuals we wouldn’t otherwise connect with. Some of my closest friends were birthed from online relationships!
I also, obviously, love photos. I modeled professionally for a few years and I miss it every day, but social media has given me a second chance at connecting with brands through visual media; and I’m grateful for it.
BASTET NOIR: Worst part about your job…

The hardest part of my job is being consistent and vulnerable. There is so much that the extrovert in me wants to share to help others but I also value solitude and privacy which can get uncomfortable. I am also funding a passion project to be released before the end of this year so the inconsistent checks that come with working in the influencer space can be tough to manage.
BASTET NOIR: Self care practices that keep you motivated
My style is often inspired by nature, art and music. Some of my best ideas involve one of those three. Social media is amazing, but I often become overwhelmed by the amount of content I consume so one of my most valuable self-care practices is to take breaks. I work out 3–4 times a week, love to cook, travel, paint, and recently became more consistent with reading.
BASTET NOIR: Advices you would give to your younger self
“Life is about what we give not how much dust we gather before we become dust ourselves.” — by Thaina Blot

If I can send a message to my younger self, I’d tell her that there is no box or glass ceiling that confines you. People will try and say that age, your ethnicity and your gender will limit you, but you hold the power to refute or accept these parameters. You can do and be anything you set your mind to. Your only job is to study it until you master it.
BASTET NOIR: Best female empowerment speech
This is a tough one. There are so many but one of my favorites is definitely Auntie O’s 2016 Essence Festival Speech. She shares how her visualization has moved her to actualization by surrendering to God’s dream for her and aligning herself with that. It’s an incredibly moving speech that everyone should watch!
BASTET NOIR: Strong female role model you look up to
Again, Oprah! She is loved by many because of her authenticity and her energy. I love that she shares her journey to let as many people as she can know that there’s nothing too great to achieve and nowhere to far to go. That kind of transparency takes the death of the ego and surrendering to your higher calling. My intention is that I can do the same.
BASTET NOIR: Biggest failure in life and what you’ve learnt from it?

I believe that even the moments that feel like failure are teachable moments. One of the things I regret most is not believing in myself sooner. It’s strange because I’ve always been super firm on my values when it comes to men, but I’d question my smarts, abilities and power. I spent a long time longing for the validation of others but not seeing myself for me and being vocal about my self-doubt. To be honest, this is something I still struggle with but now I know that world can only reflect what I project. I show the world how I want to be seen by seeing myself first.
BASTET NOIR: We’re obsessed with your flawless style. What’s the secret to achieving such a polished look?

Thanks so much! I grew up in a home that valued presentation, creativity, and expression so for me style was always innate. I also grant myself permission to be a chameleon. I wouldn’t say I have a super defined style. I just love what I love!
BASTET NOIR: What’s in your Bastet Noir cart
The Michelle dress is the perfect slip dress. I need it in every color!

We love strong, confident and self reliant women, so if you think you got what it takes, send us an email with your Instagram account and the story you’d like to share and you might just become Bastet Noir’s next cool face.
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